Monday, March 10, 2008

Going forward...

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time…

In a Nutshell

2008 General Election Summary

Parliament Seats Won
BN - 140 (63% of seats)
Others - 82 (37% of seats)

Percentage of Popular Votes
BN - 50.35%
Others - 47.37%

Going Forward...

This is my last post…

I have always liked to share information but have never aspired to be a Blogger. I am just a lay-man, doing my little bit for the country. Now that my part is done, it’s time to go.

As a parting gift to the Barisan Rakyat, I present to you the vote swing analysis required to get Majority in the next election. The main assumption is, of course, you perform your duties well for the rakyats and they will never ever go back to BN. I wish you all very best and may God bless all of you.

Moving On

The 2008 General Election was a huge success for the Barisan Rakyat, In spite of the slim chance of denying BN 2/3 majority, the Barisan Rakyat managed to get it done, with an additional bonus of retaining Kelantan and winning Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor in the process. Kudos!

There was a question on why I did not do the analysis for the State seats and just the Parliament seats. It was done on the basis that the Parliament seats results will be reflective of the State seat results. Imagine you go and vote, how likely are you going to put “X” on two different parties, one party for Parliament and a different one for State? Not likely isn’t it? Anyway, they real reason is that I was lazy… ;-)

Back to the main issue, based on my earlier estimate, an overall vote swing of 15-20% against was required to get 1/3 of the seats. However, in the end, only a vote swing of 12.32% was needed to get 37% (more than 1/3) of the seats.

Therefore, there is a need to continue to maintain the momentum to do even better for the next election.

So, assuming a great job was done and the rakyats who voted “Others” in 2004 continued to support them, the following are the required vote swing against BN in order for the “Others” to get majority:

Only another 10-15% vote swing against BN is required! Barisan Rakyat, you all know what you have to do. Govern well and all of us, the rakyats will support you at the way.

How do you win an election? By taking small little steps to go towards the bigger goal… And that is how BN is going to lose another election.

Thank you for reading. Signing off…

For those who like numbers, the raw data for the vote swing analysis for the next election can be downloaded by clicking here.