Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Day After...

Remember, remember, the eight of March of two oh oh eight….
I woke up the next day and indeed so many things have changed…

Congratulations! Congratulations to us Malaysians and to the Barisan Rakyat parties!!!

A special kudos to those of you who visited this website before the election and a big thank you for you time and effort in spreading the site. Most of you were spot on and realized that the purpose of this site was to encourage each and every one of you to not only go and vote but to encourage others to vote as well. Nevertheless, there were a few blur case fellas who can’t read between the lines and insist this site is a BN ploy. Aiyo… grow up lah…

No, this is not a BN ploy. The purpose of this site was to share knowledge. Knowledge of how daunting the figures are and how low the chances are but there is always hope. By taking a sarcastic approach and also pretending to choose Option 2, I hoped to encourage everyone by inflaming them to go for Option 1. A bit of “reverse psychology” in play actually ;-)

Well, looking at the results, my job is done… even though I probably did not contribute much but at least I’ve done something. All the best for the next 5 years and I hope that this IS the first step for a greater change and even greater good for Malaysia. My wish is that DAP, PKR and PAS will work well for the good of us rakyats…

To those who bothered to come back to this site to have a look, I reward you with an analysis of the actual vote swing of the 2008 General Election. Have a good read and thank you for your support.

And yes, my brother did register and voted for his first time in the 2008 General Election :-)

In a Nutshell

Seats Won
BN - 140 (63% of seats)
Others - 82 (37% of seats)

Percentage of Popular Votes
BN - 50.35%
Others - 47.37%

Summary by States

Basically Selangor and Kuala Lumpur did the impossible and achieved more than 20% vote swing on the average. States like Penang, Negri Sembilan, Johor, FT Putrajaya, Malacca, Perak and Kedah all had more than 10% vote swing against BN.

As a whole, it is clear that most people were looking for a change and every state achieved a vote swing against BN.

Have a look at the summary:

Summary by Seats

The Seat with the biggest vote swing AGAINST BN was P52- Bayan Baru at 36.01%. The Seat with the largest swing FOR BN was P179 - Ranau at 24.49%. As a whole, most seats show a vote swing against BN.

Look for your constituency and see the vote swing that you helped contribute in the following:

And this is how BN lost an election (even if they are still running the show… for now). Thank you for reading.

I have attached the raw data for your perusal and you can download it to have a look at the vote swing analysis for the 2008 Genaral Election. To download the data, please click here.